

A New Post—and a Competition!


There is a generation of women who lived through two world wars, the Roaring Twenties and the Depression. In Britain, following the 1921 census, some 2 million of those women were considered "surplus" given that the men they might have married had been killed in the Great War 1914-1918. That many of those young women floundered is obvious, but at the same time so many blazed a trail, moving into public life as never before, with more than a few making a name for themselves. I've been collecting books, magazines and other materials for and by those women for years—they were the first generation of women to go to war in modern times—and now I want to share so many aspects of my research that have fascinated and entertained me. Indeed, with this blog I'm indulging my love of this particular period in history.


Winston Churchill famously said, "The longer you can look back, the farther you can look forward." I believe there's much for us to learn from a deeper look at that generation—whether their stories originate in Britain, Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or any of the countries involved in the First World War—not only given the values they held dear, but their fortitude and endurance, their compassion, and their ability to move with the times, even though that journey could often break the spirit.

With warmest regards,

